The Country Celebrant: Reflections on a Wedding Fair The Country Celebrant in delivery mode! Last Sunday dawned warm and bright, a perfect, bucolic country day to spend in idyllic surroundings talking to people who are embarking on the great adventure of “tying the knot” with the love of their life. There were a number of stalls READ MORE
Category: Blog
The Country Celebrant: Creating a memory | working with others
The Country Celebrant: Creating a Memory | Working with others I was asked a while ago by another Celebrant if I could paint a celebration tree for her to use at an 80th birthday party. It is great to do something for a friend and it is good to see what happens to your creation. I READ MORE
The Country Celebrant: Scripting | Dementia | Loving words
The Country Celebrant: Poem for Hilda I have been thinking a lot this week about a friend who has recently lost her Mum. I wrote this poem for her but also for other friends who are losing their loved ones to dementia. Poem for Hilda Do not judge me, I am not heremy sentient mind has READ MORE
Working with people | Kindness and Support | Civil Celebrant
Reasons to be Cheerful! Oh bother, I am going to have to eat them all! In my life and work I have the chance to work with a variety of people. The joy of being both a civil celebrant and a pre school teacher is that I get to work with families and individuals at READ MORE
What it means to be a civil celebrant | how I can help
Welcome, my name is Cindy Groves and I am The Country Celebrant. I am a civil celebrant which means that I can conduct weddings, naming ceremonies and funerals.#WeddingsMy wedding ceremonies are personal – no two are the same; they are hand written and my aim is to distil the spirit of the couple that I READ MORE
The reader’s view | A love of books #real paper #technology
A wonderful place to read a book It was my birthday yesterday and amongst the lovely presents I received was a Kindle.I have been wanting one for ages and now it is beside me, loaded with a couple of books that I want to read and primed to go.I feel a sense of trepidation of READ MORE
Funeral Celebrant | A personal view
Five years ago today since my darling Father died. Some may find these images hard to view; for me they are a poignant reminder of a special person who we honoured in a way that was fitting and has brought comfort to us all. It was in memory of my Father that I trained as READ MORE
Gardens of Stone | My Boyhood in the French Resistance by Stephen Grady
I thoroughly recommend this book … a true story of courage and steely determination in the face of adversity. The writing style is journalistic and does not pull any punches. It is the first book that I have read that is specifically about the resistance. What a nightmare it must be to share your country READ MORE
The Country Celebrant has landed
Well they seem happy at least! Hello world – the Country Celebrant has arrived to service all your ceremonial needs in Hampshire.Feel free to have a look around.Cindy